Monday, July 12, 2010


.:chic for photography:.

so i was thinking about a lot of thinks today
aku sangat sukakan photography
well i love almost everything rasenye
but nie btol la
so,i'm planning for a great life onwards
nak belajar btol
ambik mathematical science for my major and mathematics in bussiness for my minor
nnt bley bukak bussiness sket
tntu duit pown akan jd byk.nme pown bussinesswoman.
pastu bley bli camera DSLR or polaroid
erm skunk ade duit sket.nk gak bli polaroid ble pikir blik.die pounye filem mahal gler
xpe la tunggu t da keje.ble da jd kaya.nak pegi travel mne2 pown boley.ambik gmbar.wah.xsabarnye
sabar la mus.kan bnda tue separuh dr iman
so,nie la pics yg aq da ambik around uia.erm xcantek sgt.still learning la kte an
tp klu dapat chance pkai DSLR tue msti cantek

credits to the garden of uia

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